Tuesday 8 March 2016

The Liebster Award

Wow someone is actually reading/looking at my blog! Last week I was tagged by Hannah at hansbeautifulife for the Liebster Award which she explains properly in this blog post. But basically it's a really lovely way to recognise other bloggers that are maybe just starting out or, like this one, don't have too many followers yet(under 1000). So I've been given 11 questions to answer by Hannah and then I get to create 11 questions for 11 bloggers that I will tag to take part in the Liebster Award! (A bit like a chain message but much much better!)
*I was also tagged by Shehzadi from heybeautybae after I'd finished this post so thank you so much to both her and Hannah*

1) Where is your happy place?
Since moving to Bath my happy place has become the great outdoors, or more specifically, Victoria Park (although pretty much all of Bath is beautiful). Not only is it pretty, but other than the skatepark/kids bit it's mostly quite empty. This can be so good for when I'm not having a shit day or just need to be by myself for a moment. I always make it part of my route to uni and back for this reason. (If it's raining though I just like being wrapped in a blanket with a cup of tea!)
2) What is your favourite season?
Autumn - my birthday is in Autumn and the leaves turn into beautiful colours... there's also a tonne of other reasons it's great.

3) What is your favourite type of post to write?
I like to write reviews. I haven't done many and I'm hardly an expert on makeup or beauty or anything else to be honest, but they're really fun to do. I'm actually going to start doing book reviews on here soon as well!

4) What keeps you motivated (blogging and in everyday life)? 
I find blogging fun and most of the time I don't get stuck on ideas, it's more about making the time to create good content. I have a couple of posts that I'm really proud of and it sometimes makes me doubt that my next ones will be as good if I don't put enough time into it.
As for IRL I struggle with motivation a lot. This is mainly due to my mental health, but my boyfriend Noah helps me so much. I think setting small goals for each day really helps me too, even if it's simple silly things like 'do the washing up, plan that essay, send those emails' having a list of goals that are achievable makes me feel good and therefore motivates me to do more!

5) What is you no.1 goal in 2016?
I wrote about my goals for 2016 here, but this year I'm trying to work on my overall wellbeing including my health. It's not so much about losing weight though, just feeling better in myself mentally and being able to walk up the Landsdown hill without dying at the top would be good too HA!

6) Do you see your self blogging in 5 or 10 years time?
Oh I hope so, that would be so cool to have that much time to look back on. Imagine what I'll be doing then?! Where will I be living? Who will my best friend be? Will I be an auntie? I could go on..

7) Would you like your blog to be your career or a hobby?
Right now I am studying and so there's no time for it to be my career (I find it hard to keep up with posting as it is!) I wouldn't mind full time blogging perhaps? But it's certainly not why I started this and not my dream job either. What I really want to do is to edit adult fiction. I love the idea of helping an author achieve their dreams and getting to know the stories before anyone else!

8) What is your favourite thing to do to unwind after a long day?
It depends on the day. Sometimes a like a good ole TV binge, other times an audiobook and a Lush bath hits the spot. Both with a cuppa in hand of course! Every evening I listen to a podcast to help me get to sleep too.

9) What 5 items couldn't you live with out? 
Most people say their mobile phone straight away when faced with this question, but after living without one for almost 6 months last year I can confirm that I'm fine without and the only thing I really missed was being able to take photos. What I do need though is:
  • My mac (with internet of course)
  • My notebooks
  • A decent pair of tweezers
  • Gloves
  • Moisturiser

10) What would you say is your biggest blogging accomplishment?
Probably this to be honest! Haha! Seriously, it's fantastic that someone other than my dad is reading my sporadic ramblings about my life. I've had this blog for nearly a year now, but it's only recently that I've been properly interacting with other bloggers (I was shyyy!) It's made a huge difference to my blog views, but more importantly my blogging experience. It's 100x more fun when you have people to talk about it with!

11) If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you'd buy or place you'd go? 
I would go traveling around the world, starting with France just because I love the French language. I only know like 20 words from when I was at school, but it sounds beautiful and I would love to learn it properly and explore the country too. I'd buy a french bulldog for Noah because he loves them so much (not purposely carrying on with the french theme, I promise) and we both really want a dog!

The bloggers I've chosen for the Liebster Award are:
The questions I would like to ask you are:

  1. Where and when do you blog?
  2. What is your favourite drink?
  3. What was the last book you read and what made you pick it up?
  4. Other than blogging, what do you do (job, study, parenting etc.)?
  5. What type(s) of blogs do you enjoy reading?
  6. What's your favourite album right now?
  7. What's one aspect of your blog that you hope to improve, if any?
  8. What are your favourite TV shows?
  9. What's your idea of a perfect night, in or out?
  10. This time next year what do you hope to achieve/where do you want to be?
  11. What is your favourite physical feature?
Let me know if you take part so I can read your answers and get to you know all better!

Bicks x

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